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Please don't pay too much attention to the rain prediction in these forecasts, anyone who knows Krabi will tell you they are normally wrong :)

Temperature and humidity are normally about right though...

Weather in Krabi

Most Krabi natives don't bother with the forecast, instead they look out of the window!

It's true, weather in Krabi and Aonang is scrambled by the mountains and the sea making it impossible to predict, it can be raining bucket loads in the center of Aonang and a short walk away can be blazing sunshine. Looking out to sea you can actually see small rainstorms moving around in seemingly random directions. It's terrible for kite flying though as the wind changes direction every few seconds!

In the dry season from November through to March, the forecasts are reasonably reliable, but in the rainy season, any forecast more than a few hours in advance is just not really worth looking at.

The best advice is just to be ready for anything, and if you do get caught in a storm, just find somewhere to shelter for a few minutes and it will likely pass over. It's quite normal to just stop a motorbike and run under cover. No-one anywhere minds if you shelter under a garage, a shop front or anywhere, you'll usually see a small group of other people sheltering and quite often end up in a chat.

To see how much rain Krabi gets at different times of year, please check our Krabi Historical Rain Chart.

Krabi Hisorical Rain chart for 8 years